Recently I wrote about how to deploy a python script without virtualenv. This method takes advantage of the idea of installing the script’s dependencies in a local directory using pip and wraps them and our code with a simple shell script. The result was good, but you still needed to deploy a directory with your source code, another one with the dependencies and the wrapper script with those paths fixed, which will be the one to run.
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Lately I’ve been writing a lot of python to script some common processes in a large infrastructure. Those scripts require some python libraries which are not part of the standard library nor installed by default in all systems. For example, I love how docopt manages the arguments of a python script, or using the YAML format for my config files instead of INI.
During the development stage, I usually manage those dependencies using pip and virtualenv, but I would like my deployment to require only python3 installed in the remote machine.
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I’ve been doing some development in Baoqu with SQLite recently, and one of the problems I’ve faced is that the default output from a query in the SQLite client is too basic, almost confusing:
sqlite> select * from users; 1|Ramira 2|Maria 3|Yamilo 4|Mario 5|PĂ©rez-Reverte 6|Yisus 7|Miguel 8|Marta 9|andy 10|lol 11|lol2 12|lolaso That’s a simple query, let’s complicate it a little more:
sqlite> select * from users as u inner join users_circles as uc on u.
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One of the best options we have to encrypt a USB is to use the Linux Unified Key Setup or LUKS. Through this process, we will format and generate a completely encrypted partition that will require a password to be accesed.
Requirements The only requirement is the cryptsetup program, that can be installed through your favourite distribution’s package manager. In the case of Debian/Ubuntu, you just need to run
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This has been the second year I went to FOSDEM. Is a great conference to learn, get together with friends that are spread across the world and enjoy Open Source.
Being there and seeing the awesome things people were doing made me think about my last contributions to the community and how shy they are. A lot of times I’ve rejected contributing to a project or publishing a project or a library I’m working on due its early stage or the idea of the code or the approach “not being good enough”.
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